The Gallery includes a number of Karen’s originals, including mediums such as: pastel on paper, oil on canvas, pastel and pouring medium on canvas. Also included, are several of her earlier works circa 2003. Please feel free to contact Karen with any questions or purchase inquiries.
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Please contact me if you are interested in a remake of a sold original.
Latest Original – Women V
Alders Alders are found throughout British Columbia’s coastal rainforest. This piece was inspired by one of my earlier works, Coastline IV, in which a grand alder made a brief yet bright appearance beside the towering Douglas firs.
Pacific Rim One of my favourite spots for inspiration is the Pacific Rim National Park on Vancouver Island’s west coast. This stunning region, including Ucluelet, Tofino, and nearby islands, has deeply influenced my artwork.
Approaching an island by boat offers a unique view of its rainforests, with trees lining the shore like guardians of sacred lands. From afar, they seem to merge into one, but as you get closer, their true beauty and details emerge. The raw beauty of this rugged coastline never fails to captivate.
This painting features a little gem of an island I discovered last summer. I hope my interpretation captures the spirit and beauty I experienced that day.
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Finngal Island is located in the Great Bear Rainforest on the central coast of British Columbia, Canada – west of Bella Bella and south of Dufferin Island. The island consists of columnar basalt lava flows and is part of a volcanic group called the Milbanke Sound Group.